[Diy_efi] Area under torque curve?

Mike Diehl mdiehl at dominion.dyndns.org
Fri Jan 3 21:24:36 GMT 2003

On Friday 03 January 2003 01:09 pm, Derek wrote:
     > You've taken me back over 40 years to my student days but let me give
     > this a try.

Makes me feel bad.  I didn't have to go back so far.  (grin)

     > Y = acceleration = distance/time/time
     > X = time
     > So area under curve = distance/time/time x time
     >             = distance / time
     >             = speed

This was the line of reasoning that I was using.

     > So let me try your question now -
     > X = torque = force x distance
     > Y = revs/time
     > Area under = force x distance x revs / time
     >            = force x distance / time (since revs are dimensionless)
     >            = "lb.ft. per sec" for instance
     >            = "rate of doing work"
     >            =  POWER - I think! - correct me if I'm wrong.

Ok, I was getting stuck with the revs.  You say they are dimensionless; they 
may be.  On the other hand, revs translates to distance which makes your 
	= force x distance^2 / time

Of course this is meaningless, at least to me, and that is why I was stuck.  
So now I have to understand how you were able to say that revs are 
dimensionless.  But thank you for your thoughts.

     > Not exactly "How fast the car is" - but much the same meaning after a
     > couple of beers.

No, but if you were to mod your car and could measure area under the torque 
curve before and after, you'd be able to know a lot about what that mod did.  
Certainly this would tell you more than peek HP.  Maybe more than 1/4 mile 
ET, especially if you could choose "interesting" areas under the torque curve.

Thanx again.
Mike Diehl
'87 MR-2, 7A-Ge, Hand-bent headers
'96 4-Runner, Bone Stock
'90 Corolla, disguised as a Geo Prism.

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