[Diy_efi] Water metanol turbo assist

arnie arnie_ at charter.net
Sun Jan 5 21:25:06 GMT 2003

> I don't have the NACA papers handy, 


Should be #8 on the list.

> > is more than enough, usually 15-20% (or 0.19ml-
> > 0.25ml, again in your specific example) will do
> > just fine.

> Er...  Someone else came up with the maximum figure,
> not me.  I was just demonstrating that the amount was
> not that great.  I wouldn't have trouble believing
> that many setups would work just fine on less.

I believe I'm responsible for that statement, Adam. 


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Adam Wade" <espresso_doppio at yahoo.com>
To: <diy_efi at diy-efi.org>
Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2003 3:09 PM
Subject: Re: [Diy_efi] Water metanol turbo assist 

> --- arnie <arnie_ at charter.net> wrote:
> > When 30% of the oil pan contents (by weight) is
> > water, that 'red flag' had better be waivin'.
> Jumpin' Jehosephat!  That's a huge amount of water.
> I wonder if some of that is because of the tremendous
> cooling that aircraft engines receive at higher
> altitudes, preventing the water from cooking off?  Of
> course, if it makes it to the oil pan at all, that is
> a problem.
> > Adam, I agree the ring material, honing techniques,
> > the oil composition itself, and thus, sealing
> > efficiency of today is superior to the WW2 era, so
> > it is likely that quantity of water found in the pan
> > will be less.  However, I fail to see how the actual
> > amount of cylinder wall washing (or the ability of
> > the water to 'scrub' the walls) will change much,
> > given the superior oil of today.
> I'd be thinking more of the increased lubrication
> efficiency of today's designs.  Radial engines are
> notoriously hard to oil well and evenly.
> I don't have the NACA papers handy, but what amount of
> water injection vs. fuel, by volume, are we talking
> about?  Also, how good is the fine atomization of the
> injection system?  My sense is that the finer the
> atomization, the less issue there would be with wall
> washing OR water in the oil.
> Adam Wade                       

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