[Diy_efi] Looking for Bosch MAF pin out

Chris Ice cice at trub.com
Tue Mar 18 15:45:59 GMT 2003

Seems like a popular subject...

Looking for pin outs for a Bosch MAF that fits 93->99 2.0L Volkswagens 
(ie. golf, cabrio, jetta).  It is a heated foil type (not wire, not vane).

Bosch P/N on housing: 0 280 217 117
VW P/N on housing: 037 906 461 C
P/N stamped on foil assembly: 672 02 2 A - 104

Connector looks like this:

/ _ _ _ _ \
   1 2 3 4

Am fitting a split-sec signal conditioner to remove a vane style meter 
on a Fiat/Lancia application.  Want to kick myself (a little) as I had a 
'99 VW Jetta that I could have used to measure but sold it before I 
started this project.  :p  Good ebay price on the vw maf finds it in my 
box-o-parts for this project.

Any help you can offer is appreciated!

Chris Ice                    "Laugh'a while you can, Monkey Boy."
http://www.trub.com/                               - Dr. Lizardo

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