[Diy_efi] Air fuel meters

Jim Butterfield jimbutterfield
Tue Apr 19 13:30:28 UTC 2005

Since it seems were off topic a bit, can I add???? you mention that the fairlane seems like more acceleration than that wrx.... well I can attest to that, My GA ( grand prix SC under hood) pulls a 13.5 quarter, but seems awefully slow... I think its because there is no real seat of the pants pushing like in RWD cars.. since its a FWD it pulls me instead of pushing me from behind.... any thoughts..????

James Seabolt <turbofiat at hotpop.com> wrote:
At 11:19 AM 4/17/05, you wrote:
>At 227bhp there is no way you're going to smoke all 4 tires on
>pavement. My 323GTX is making 350bhp and most times it will stay hooked
>if I punch it in 2nd gear. With my STi swap of a few years ago I was
>making 320bhp and it had trouble lighting them up.

Well that was just a figure of speech. What I was getting at was, my 5 
liter 68 Ford Fairlane only makes 190HP but felt like it has more 
acceleration that the WRX. And it's probably a heavier car although my Baja 
actually weighs 200 lbs more than my Fairlane.

James Seabolt
Tennessee, United States
Homepage --->>> http://users.chartertn.net/jseabolt/

2003 Subaru Baja
1980 FIAT 2000 "turbo" Spider
1968 Ford Fairlane 500 (Not a Ford Galaxie!!)
1987 Yugo GV 1500cc also turbocharged

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