[Diy_efi] RE: Ways to effectively use O2 sensor on motorcycle?

Neil.Poersch at mts.mb.ca Neil.Poersch at mts.mb.ca
Mon Jun 3 12:45:24 GMT 2002

Thanks for the practical advice Neil.  Others have mentioned problems
keeping sensor at temperature.  A solution recommended to me was placing
bung within 8" of the cylinder exhaust port.  Seeing this single cylinder
650cc bike has two exhaust ports, I'm not sure if enough exhaust gases
 325cc equivalent displacement ) will flow by sensor if mounted before
collector.  What do you think about this ?
I would guess that it would be OK, especially if you use a heated sensor.

Let's say I go heated, do you recall what such a heated unit draws for
current ?  On the rectified circuit of this dirt bike, there are only
( head and tail ) that consume 40 watts combined.  Since bike doesn't list
output of generator, I can only assume it's sized for about this load.  Can
anybody recommend simple heated units ( ones that I can plug a voltmeter
to ) that can run under this power constraint ?  If I wanted, could I do
DIY_WB with these power constraints ?
The heater draws about 2.0A initially, about 1.0A steady state.  Your
generator may not have enough capacity.  All heated sensors are in this
same range for current draw.  I doubt that the DIY_WB will work if you are
severely limited in your generator's capacity.
Sounds like you have to check that out first.

If your generator can't handle the current load then an unheated sensor
will be better than nothing.  In fact, if you do install it only 8" from
the exhaust port then you may not have a lot of problems with maintaining a
proper heat level in the sensor.

On my bike I did not want to install a bung so close to the exhaust port
purely for cosmetic reasons.  I installed the bung in a cross-over pipe
which was hidden beneath the transmission so temperature control was a
problem so far ( ~36") from the exhaust port.


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